
Kite Flying is Like Reaching Out for a Dream

When we seek true satisfaction in life
we aim for success and happiness.
Sometimes, the more we strive
the more failures we encounter.
Like a kite it can fly high but when
the wind blows harder... it can be torn away.

children enjoying kite flying

Kite flies high
with the strength of string
that holds it.

It needs a right lift
for the wings to spread
widely... freely.

Floating like ornaments
moving with the wind
slightly disturbed.

We see its beauty far above
its lightness resonates
from a skillful hand.

Heavier than air
and rain has never a friend
a bright sky is just perfect.

As the sun watches its flight
the moon is envious
only day can be a witness.

The fun ends
with rolling back the rope.
next time again... let it soar!

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