
A ROSE for my Birthday

A ROSE for my Birthday

My birthday fell on a weekend 
but I was surprised to receive 
a rose from my son, Kurt. 

When he got home from school
afternoon of June 28... he handed me 
with a shy-mannered gesture,
 a single stem with a red rose
 in full bloom and greeted me in advance.

He said, he wanted to buy a bunch
 but his money could only afford one. 
I felt so touched with this simple 
yet meaningful expression of love.

He's such a sweet and thoughtful son. 
He may be a certified GAGster 
but he has quite a unique way of 
demonstrating affection. 

I put it on a vase 
and place it on the dining table 
until the petals slowly fell off its stem.
I had to take a picture of it 
as a treasured souvenir.


Your thoughts, ideas, opinions and suggestions about my post are highly appreciated. My deepest and warmest greetings to you. GOD bless always!