
Psalm 46:1

Simplymarrimye - "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

I believe that being religious is different 
from being spiritual
 but we can be both at the same time. 
Everyone of us has own journey... 
a voyage that must be navigated
once we hold the gear of life. 

It's far from over. 
It may not be always smooth sailing
There may be waves taller than us... 
strong winds that may drag us back to the shore 
or bring us to the depths of the ocean.
We should have an anchor 
that will hold us securely 
to prevent us from drifting down. 
Only when we reach the lowest point in our life
that we seek enlightenment. 

We ask questions and look for answers
GOD never fails to save us
HE knows when we are drowning
HE knows when to stop the storm
and take us to the safest place.

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