
Lizzette Aira - A Name That's Uniquely Owned

An instance flashed back before me, 
February of 1994, 
I learned that I was pregnant 
for the second time
after a miscarriage.

I recalled a time when I started 
to write down names like: 
Canisha Yvon, Dana Maureen, Leira Denisse 
but nothing would seem better than this particular name.
It never crossed my mind 
to search the meaning of your name 
ever since you were born 
until I found myself writing this. 
To my surprise, 
the definition describes who and what you really are... 
but sensitive and emotional by nature.

You have that profound sense of friendship. 
You’re a shoulder to cry on... 
a true friend 
who is always there to help and offer advice.
You value family. 
You may not demonstrate love 
as affectionate as you can possibly do 
but you have that undeniable warmth 
of concern towards other people.


is created only for you. 
I believe that every human being
 is destined to have a name 
that’s uniquely owned.

Lizette Aira

Your beauty is now in full-bloom
No better name is fitted for you
than this one.


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