
The Superwoman We Know

She has been the
we know
who never fails to keep our
a place of 
convenience and pleasure.

She never fails to plan, 
prepare and cook
the best meal on our table
Never let the clothes 
dirty and crumpled.
Everything is organized from
ceiling to floor.

She never fails to lighten up
the heavy loads 
on our shoulders
She's always our best counselor
and outstanding adviser.

Her second child would state...

"You are the center of our home. 
We depended on you 
for so many things. 
We draw strength from you. 
You protect and take the best 
care of us. 

the unexpected happened
that rattled our normal, 
mundane lives. 
But we will do everything 
in our power 
to give you the 
best care and comfort.
We have faith that this too shall pass."

With her youngest daughter's words...

"I'm not used to seeing
you suffer in pain
I always want you being
so spirited and lively.
Do not worry and feel depressed.
I will never get tired
of being your
caregiver, your nurse and reliever
until you finally recover."

Her only son has to say...

"I admire 
how tough my sisters are. 
They are undeniably 
like my Mom."

And this, I have to tell her...

"I look forward to that moment
when you can regain strength
to do the things you love
and get back on your feet
to perform your
daily routine."

Your being 
motivated and determined
just bring us



  1. My Mom is also the super woman in our life. I don't know how she manage it but she is always there for us. Hope your mom get well soon.


Your thoughts, ideas, opinions and suggestions about my post are highly appreciated. My deepest and warmest greetings to you. GOD bless always!