
A Special Surprise on Valentine's Day

Valentine presents from our 3 precious jewels
Valentine presents from our 3 precious jewels

Gifts come in small or big packages.
They may be costly or cheap
but whatever size or price 
the presents may have...
there's no importance to such
because it's the thought that 
weighs so much.

Valentine's Day is not only 
for couples or partners to share
but is more of a day for giving 
and receiving it.
Flowers and chocolates are being offered
 to make this day complete.

This special day brings 
 a special surprise
Not a dinner for two 
nor a ticket for a concert
but a paper bag with three items inside 
that somehow
made me teary-eyed
especially when I read the message in the card.

A Special Surprise on Valentine's Day - card1

A Special Surprise on Valentine's Day - card2
Valentine card from our loving kids

I came to realize that
there's more to
than the genuine happiness
shared by two people
bound to live life together
but the pure joy
felt by the people around them
who witness
every turn of good and bad moments.


  1. I agree with you!I hope you had the best vday filled with love.

    1. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your beloved as well. Let LOVE reign in our hearts


Your thoughts, ideas, opinions and suggestions about my post are highly appreciated. My deepest and warmest greetings to you. GOD bless always!