

Quoted photograph by simplymarrimye - surviving

"In any relationship, when pride steps in, 
don't close the door of your heart 
to let understanding overpower the ego."

"Commitment is a lifelong gift of a loving heart."

"If you think you've already given your all ... think again.
The relationship won't work if you have nothing
left for yourself."

"If you are miserable being together...
it's better to let go than repeatedly hurt each other."

"Someone who never cares to break somebody's heart
is more of a waste, put into trash
than a loss that can be compensated."

"Relationship is not about love that counts the flaws
but about courage to never stop correcting them."

"A broken heart can be fixed by another love
but a damaged ego can never be repaired by pride."

"Love can never be explained
nor defined even by the most intellectual mind
but can only be felt by the heart of any kind.."

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