
Life is Colorful

Life is Colorful by simplymarrimye

My youngest son made this canvass
If you will just look at it,
different colored lines are entangled
Like LIFE, 
it's simple yet complicated.
We live in a world 
where black is black and white is white.
It's how we see the color of life… 
our own life.
Sometimes, it’s blue…
We are sad and regretful
There are times, 
we’re in flaming red…
We feel passionate and aggressive
We always hope 
for greener pasture
Abundance in any aspect
But life will never be constant.
Change is inevitable 
and time is moving fast-forward.
If we are slow, we'll be left behind.
The colors may change
but how we spend every moment of life
is what truly matters.
The choice is ours...
It's how we paint our own canvass

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