
LIKE Poles Attract

Like poles attract by simplymarrimye

LIFE is not only 
a mixture of
sweet and sour
liquid and solid
high and low
smooth and rough
MAN and WOMAN...
but anything in between
is no longer unusual.

Why do some people prefer something different? We all have choices to make. We are born with own distinct identities and as we develop into an adult capable of knowing and reasoning, we are exposed to an environment with extremely wide variety of values, social norms, rules of conduct, customs and practices. As human beings, we have the desire to understand every aspect of the world we live in. Our natural curiosity of the many things around us will lead us to defining our own self and bring us to a journey of limitless exploration.

Who are we? What are we?

These questions now lie beneath the realm of self individuality.

The discussion of gender preferences are predominantly articulated for centuries by philosophers, religious leaders and writers. From ancient times to today, there are countless reasons and diversity of opinions regarding the theories of engaging to same gender relationships.

To live life as how we desire to live it.

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