Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Wake Up Call

Wake up call by Simplymarrimye

When our life is being threatened
we need protection and security.

When our home is being invaded
we need stability and unity.

When our health is being jeopardized
we need to recover and rehabilitate.

When our mind is being depleted
we need faith and resurrection.

When our heart is being broken
we need comfort and relief.

Only when we reach our lowest point
that we learn to kneel and cry for help.

The Superwoman We Know

She has been the
we know
who never fails to keep our
a place of 
convenience and pleasure.

She never fails to plan, 
prepare and cook
the best meal on our table
Never let the clothes 
dirty and crumpled.
Everything is organized from
ceiling to floor.


Image not mine

When you expect 
will happen 
and it never did...
There's a reason behind it.

When you expect 
will come
and he/she never did...
There's an explanation to it.

Psalm 46:1

Simplymarrimye - "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

I believe that being religious is different 
from being spiritual
 but we can be both at the same time. 
Everyone of us has own journey... 
a voyage that must be navigated
once we hold the gear of life. 

It's far from over. 
It may not be always smooth sailing
There may be waves taller than us... 
strong winds that may drag us back to the shore 
or bring us to the depths of the ocean.

A Matter of Choice


The battle has never ended
It's a continuous journey through 
LIFE's most agonizing traits
A world where no one can defeat
what is bound.
Nothing is so perfect...
just full of uncertainties.
Yet beyond any human fate
lies the unbroken promises
of the future.

A World Like No Other

In every dream I make, 
I want him there with me.
Feeling the magic and beauty of life.
Exploring the boundless 
symmetry of nature
and its immeasurable wonders
as they unfold before our eyes.


From the enchanting softness
of morning sunlight until the brightness of
moon rules the night.
Patiently awaiting a star to descend
conceding our every wish.
From the whistling sound of wind
touching the greenfields,
to the fresh-scented blossoms filling the air.

Why LOVE has Gone?

.... and two hearts met 
for the last time
She is dreaming alone
silently weeping in pain. 
Hoping for a moment to come 
but never unfolded. 
Then she recalled 
that passage of time. 
Shattered thoughts were 
gambling in her head.

"Was that a look of hidden promises or a glimpse of no return?