Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts


Destiny by simplymarrimye

Where do you belong?
Where are you heading?
Are you taking the road less traveled
or the path with curves and hurdles.

Are you happy and contented
or are you lost and worn out?
Don't keep chasing the wrong dreams
Luck cannot be won but hard work will pay off.

Do you know yourself enough
or do you wear a deceiving mask?
If you wish for a life worth living...
be reminded of the footprints in the sand. 

Beginnings may have endings
But life is a journey...
that starts with a single step
until you reach the the goal you most deserved.

LIKE Poles Attract

Like poles attract by simplymarrimye

LIFE is not only 
a mixture of
sweet and sour
liquid and solid
high and low
smooth and rough
MAN and WOMAN...
but anything in between
is no longer unusual.

Why do some people prefer something different? We all have choices to make. We are born with own distinct identities and as we develop into an adult capable of knowing and reasoning, we are exposed to an environment with extremely wide variety of values, social norms, rules of conduct, customs and practices. As human beings, we have the desire to understand every aspect of the world we live in. Our natural curiosity of the many things around us will lead us to defining our own self and bring us to a journey of limitless exploration.

Who are we? What are we?

These questions now lie beneath the realm of self individuality.

The discussion of gender preferences are predominantly articulated for centuries by philosophers, religious leaders and writers. From ancient times to today, there are countless reasons and diversity of opinions regarding the theories of engaging to same gender relationships.

To live life as how we desire to live it.

Looking At The Brighter Side

I know it's been a while...
Things changed but for the better.
Some are not meant to unfold
yet there are good ones that happened.

I lost track but now I'm back.
Hoping for the best to come.
I wish to forget the past...
keep the faith and move forward...

I've never been so passionate
to write what's on my mind...
This time I want  greener crops
that will bring abundance...

The Bridge Of Life

The Bridge Of Life by Simplymarrimye

The bridge of life may be strong or weak
It may be high but never too low
It may be long but never too short
We start in one reach the other side.

It is a journey to a destination
We keep going without obstacles
We may halt, if something hinders.
It needs support to carry the weight of heavy loads.

The bridge of life may collapse or fall
When its foundation is shaky and unstable
It may break apart and leave us hanging
With nothing to hold... but only faith to lead the way.

"We'll cross the bridge when we get there."
Whatever kind of bridge we have in our life
If we remain firm and determined...
No bridge is long or weak enough to make us stumble down.

Life is Colorful

Life is Colorful by simplymarrimye

My youngest son made this canvass
If you will just look at it,
different colored lines are entangled
Like LIFE, 
it's simple yet complicated.
We live in a world 
where black is black and white is white.
It's how we see the color of life… 
our own life.
Sometimes, it’s blue…
We are sad and regretful
There are times, 
we’re in flaming red…
We feel passionate and aggressive
We always hope 
for greener pasture
Abundance in any aspect
But life will never be constant.
Change is inevitable 
and time is moving fast-forward.
If we are slow, we'll be left behind.
The colors may change
but how we spend every moment of life
is what truly matters.
The choice is ours...
It's how we paint our own canvass

"Unrequited Love"

Unrequited Love by Simplymarrimye

There are people who are lonely
living in an oblivious world
where reality is distant and life is obscure

They choose to wear a smile
but sadness reign inside
begging for something that is never mutual.

Loving a person with nothing in return
is an obvious act of despair
but for them... it's every breath they take.

Love and Pride

When it comes to LOVE, 
we are victims of our own judgments and decisions. 
We only hear our own sentiments 
and never listen to what other's may say. 
Listening to understand 
is different from listening to respond. 

If only we have the heart 
to let pain be the strength to accept 
and let love weaken our pride... 
no wall can ever go between two people 
who desire to live life together... forever.

simplymarrimye's love and pride

If Nobody Discriminates...

Our world is an open avenue
open for opportunities
communications and possibilities.

There is freedom...
freedom of self expression
Let your voice be heard... speak out your emotions.

Being The Eldest of Four

Simplymarrimye - Being the eldest of four
From left to right - DL, Mommy, Daddy, Malu, Mahlen, ME and Kiko

Filipino families are known to be
With a father, working hard for the money
a mother, keeping the home
 a shelter of harmony
and the children, burning eyebrows
to get a degree..

Typical and basic as it is...
I came from an environment with
humble beginnings.
A product of early marriage... the firstborn
and the eldest of four
was raised by a couple who
struggled, lived and survived the
difficulties of life.

The Superwoman We Know

She has been the
we know
who never fails to keep our
a place of 
convenience and pleasure.

She never fails to plan, 
prepare and cook
the best meal on our table
Never let the clothes 
dirty and crumpled.
Everything is organized from
ceiling to floor.


Image not mine

When you expect 
will happen 
and it never did...
There's a reason behind it.

When you expect 
will come
and he/she never did...
There's an explanation to it.

Lizzette Aira - A Name That's Uniquely Owned

An instance flashed back before me, 
February of 1994, 
I learned that I was pregnant 
for the second time
after a miscarriage.

I recalled a time when I started 
to write down names like: 
Canisha Yvon, Dana Maureen, Leira Denisse 
but nothing would seem better than this particular name.
It never crossed my mind 
to search the meaning of your name 
ever since you were born 
until I found myself writing this. 
To my surprise, 
the definition describes who and what you really are... 
but sensitive and emotional by nature.

Reminiscing With These Old Photographs

My 4th birthday celebration photo with family
My bandaged hands

Looking at this photograph
is a reverie of the past long gone
More than four decades ago
an accident burnt my hands.

I may not remember anything
except for the stories repeatedly told
The scars that are still visible
remind me of the pain so unbearable.

When Two Distant Hearts Become ONE

Dreaming for her
is a hard habit to break. 
She spent all her life 
dreaming with someone 
who will love her 
more than anything... 
who will always stay by her side 
and protect her 
from being harmed 
fight for her
when danger comes
comfort her 
when lonesome fills her heart... 
show her the way 
when she is lost
open his arms and offer
a warm embrace
hold her with much tenderness... 
 and bring her
to the world of ecstasy.

Being A Good Samaritan

New International Version (NIV)
The Parable of the Good Samaritan

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ ; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”
28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 
31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.
32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 
33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 
34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 
35 The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

Simplymarrimye's On Being A Good Samaritan - Luke 10:36-37
Luke 10:36-37

Psalm 46:1

Simplymarrimye - "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

I believe that being religious is different 
from being spiritual
 but we can be both at the same time. 
Everyone of us has own journey... 
a voyage that must be navigated
once we hold the gear of life. 

It's far from over. 
It may not be always smooth sailing
There may be waves taller than us... 
strong winds that may drag us back to the shore 
or bring us to the depths of the ocean.

A KNOCK at my Door

Memories of yesterday 
seem only a dream
A reverie of my heart's cherished desires
Countless moments are long forgotten
and only a handful 
has etched deeply...
eternally into my soul.

It was a continuous struggle
to find my life's missing piece.
But an unforgettable 
knock at the door
finally opened my

The GREAT Providers

Simplymarrimye's The GREAT Providers - Kiko and Papa Ariel
Kiko and Papa Ariel

of our domestic throne.
Dreams reign in their hearts
Aiming to offer 
never second hand.

is the castle
they unselfishly protect
Nobody can trespass
The gates are locked up
with their fists like steel.

Warriors in the battlefield
Blood, sweat and tears
they hurdled... to serve the
abundance on the table.
The best that tomorrow may bring.

Getting Older Gracefully

Simplymarrimye's Getting Older Gracefully - From left to right: Marri, DL, Malu and Mahlen
From left to right: Marri, DL, Malu and Mahlen

Being the eldest of four siblings, I became responsible at an early age. I took charge of the house when our mother was out and since our father was then working as an overseas contract worker in the Middle East, I had to be emotionally and mentally matured.

As I grew up, I learned a lot of things which made me a better person... An obedient daughter... a loving sister and a trusting friend. I remember, my mother would always tell me that I have to take care of my sisters, be dependable and lead by example.

At first we were only three with age gap of two years. We were fondly called “tatlong maria”  (three Marias ) because our names start with Maria. When our father decided to stop working abroad and stayed home for a while, mother got pregnant and after thirteen long years of patiently waiting , their prayers had been answered. They were blessed with a son…

CHARICE - Although Glamour Has Gone, TRUE SELF Has Found

From CHARICE's photo archive
 Behind these looks is a mask

She's living her dreams
and reaching the farthest star
with all the fame and glory.

She's wandering in a world
full of glitters and gold
making her life... a story.

With the fancy dazzling limelight
and the deafening applause
there's a music, unheard.

A powerful gifted voice
was echoing... a melody that
no one has ever learned.

Until her journey through
 life is suddenly halted
And it's time to confront reality.

The mask should be removed
no more pretension nor hypocrisy
Now behold... her real identity.